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News articles 

Parents Network - 2nd February, 9:15am

Join us before the morning service (9:15-10:15am) as we discuss how to help our children engage with the Bible at home. How is it possible to open the Bible with energetic toddlers? How should Bible engagement change when they become teenagers? Maybe you're looking for ideas on how to get started. Maybe you've got some resources that have worked well in your family that you can bring along.

Our Parents Network brunches are a relaxed chance for parents at St John's to connect and encourage each other as we seek to disciple our children. We start with pastries, orange juice and coffee all-together and then there are supervised kids activities that happen in the hall.

Malcolm and Kerstin Gray 

It was so good to have Malcolm and Kerstin with us last Sunday morning and we very much appreciated their open sharing with us. If you would like to know more about their ministry and maybe sign up for their news and prayer letter please click HERE.

Verse Of The Year   

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want" Psalm 23:1.

Look out for the cards in the foyer.

verse of the year


Homegroup Study: Studies in Deuteronomy 1-11 (Spring 2025)

View online for the best experience: Click here. For those without internet access booklets are available from your Homegroup leader or the church office, or you can download a PDF version here.
If you haven't yet joined the St John's Church Family online, click here for instructions: How to become a member.

Services Support Tea - Sunday 23rd February at 4pm

Volunteers together
Do you serve on a rota in any capacity on a Sunday? If so, this event is for you! We would like to invite you to share a high tea, spend time getting to know each other a little more, and learn about some essential matters that are important for all Sunday helpers. The office will shortly be sending out invitations to you, if you appear on a Sunday rota. Please look out for the invite and - essentially - let the office know if you plan to attend. This will help us with catering and handouts. Depending on numbers, the tea will either be in the Conservatory or the Hall.

If you are interested in serving on any of the Sunday teams, please let the church office know and we will add you to the invite list.

Sing a new song 

Gillian writes: I've just come across this song which is a great reminder for the start of the year

If there is a song that you are listening to at the moment, please do share it with Matt.

Midweek Service of Holy Communion

The midweek communion generally takes place every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10.30 am. After the service, we enjoy refreshments together in the youth lounge. We would love you to join us! All are welcome. Spring date Communion cards are now available from the foyer.

Prayer Focus     

We meet for Prayer Focus in the Youth Lounge at 8 pm, on the first Wednesday of the month. We hope to see you there.

Christianity Explored Course

The next course will begin on Tuesday 28th January, running for 7 sessions.
Meeting at The Vicarage (15 St John's Hill, Wimborne) 7.45-9.15pm.
All are welcome to come along! It is a great opportunity to discover more about the Christian faith.
For more details please contact or the church office on 01202 842255.

Course dates:

Tuesday 28th January                              Good News
Tuesday 4th February                               Identity
Tuesday 11th February                             Sin
Tuesday 18th February                            The Cross
Tuesday 25th February                            Resurrection
Tuesday 4th March                                   Grace
Tuesday 11th March                                Come and Die

          What’s the best news you’ve ever heard?
            Was it surprising? Did it change the way you think?
     Or was it something you wanted to be true but didn’t dare hope?


Saturday Sort-it - This Saturday -18th January, 9-11am

We meet this Saturday, 18th January 9am - 11am to finish with a hot drink!

This time of year it may not be sunny or dry so bring your warm coat & we’ll arrange the work around the weather!
I will also find some inside jobs in case it is not good for outside!

Beth Moore Course

An 8 session Beth Moore Bible Study James: Mercy Triumphs begins on 20th January at 7.30pm in the Youth Lounge. James, Jesus' brother, wrote a book with many topics - social justice, joy, hardship, faith, reversal of fortunes for rich and poor, wisdom, gifts from above, single-mindedness, the dangers of the tongue, humility, and prayer. It is a wonderful study, which some of us have studied before. We meet once a fortnight on alternate weeks to the Home Growth Groups. Cost £13 to cover the study book. Please contact Doreen Vowles if you are able to join us. 01202 884532 or 077 905 22093 and if you'd like me to order a Members study book for you. 


Men's Breakfast - Saturday 25th January, 8-10am

Canva invite Mens Breakfast 30

A delicious full English breakfast including tea and coffee, followed by a talk from special guest and speaker Jonathan Gollings, "My life and My faith".
Tickets just £4, sign up sheet in the foyer. All men are invited – and encouraged to invite male friends.


Women's Brunch - Saturday 1st February 10am-12pm

All ladies are invited to share in a time of food and fellowship. £5 payable on the day. Please sign up in the church on either Sunday 19th or Sunday 26th January.

womens brunch 2025

Compass  - Thursday 6th February, 2.30pm

A lesson in Greek.

It is all Greek to you! Come and be surprised at how much you know - Speaker Matt Lee.

All are welcome to join.

Pastoral Care 

Our pastoral care team offer company and support to anyone in the church family who needs it. If you, or anyone you know, would like either to join the pastoral care team (via a safer recruitment process) or need support, please contact Gillian Mannouch on 01202 847911 or 07794 586608 or

Request for Dehumidifier 

Andrea Knowles is looking to borrow a dehumidifier. If anyone has one you are happy to lend during this cold spell please contact her on 07871 272494. 

Welcome to Sarah Baseley, our new Pre-School Leader

Sarah took over as Leader of our Pre-School, at the beginning of January, having already been part of the team for the past 2 years. She is married to Adam and has two boys at Hayeswood First and St Michael’s Middle. We wish her all the very best as she settles into her new role. Please pray for Sarah and her team - Andrea, Hannah, Clare and Debs. Also, for the children and families, connected to our Pre-School, especially the new children beginning this term. Thank you.


Pigeonholes at the back of church 

A polite reminder to please check your pigeonholes at the back of the church, as these are starting to become quite full. Thank you. 

Wimborne Food Bank Update 

A message from Sharon...

Happy New Year to you all, I hope you had a lovely Christmas. 

We had a very busy Christmas which included providing school holiday parcels to pupil premium families, 73 Christmas Hampers, two Santa’s Grotto events, we were able to give Christmas presents and selection packs to every adult and child as well as a big bag of Christmas food with every parcel. We also held a volunteer thank you event and served hundreds of families with food parcels. 

Thank you so much for your support with selection packs, Christmas presents and food donations, we could not have served all these people without them. 

I have been busy planning for 2025 and for Easter where we would love to be able to give every adult and child an Easter Egg and some Easter treats, we will be supporting pupil premium families with our Easter School holiday parcels. 

I am also looking forward to working with the Friendly Food Club again this year to hold some free family cooking sessions as these proved to be very popular last year. 

We really need good quality plastic bags if anyone has any that they do not need 😊.

Our new annual review has been printed so if anyone would like some copies for their school, Church or organisation please let me know.

Thanks again for all your support, we really do appreciate it & it makes a Huge difference.


Violins of Hope Memorial Service 

Violins of Hope - The Holocaust Memorial Service is to be held again at the Minster on Sunday 19th January at 3pm. We need to remember what happened in the past and prevent it from happening again, and also enjoy this service shared together with music and excellent speakers. Please arrive early, the Minster is always full for this Service.


Film Night - Friday 24th January

This is the story of Philippa Langley’s search for the remains of a King. Her marriage has broken down and she struggles with ME, but joins a Historical Society and later relinquishes her job to spend more time on research. She begins to have visions but her obsession finally convinces Leicester Council to commence a dig in one of the town's car parks.

poster 1
poster 2

Wimborne Christian Aid Annual Quiz

Wimborne Christian Aid Annual Quiz is on Sunday 26th January at 7.30 pm at Wimborne Methodist Church. Either come as a pre-arranged team of 4 or teams can be made up on the night.  Entry is free and donations - by cash or by card - are welcome. We hope to see you there!

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Screenshot 2025-01-16 094136

Help using the website

We can help you sign up as a member and get the very best out of the new website - please just contact the church office to arrange for someone to provide support, we would be only too happy to help!

Click here to find out more about how use the website. There are links for how to register, how to access the Members only area and how to use the rotas. If you need more help, just get in touch with the church office.

Register to access the Member Only Areas (My Area)

My Area below with a lock on members-only areas

Hub image

You can register as a member and also download the app. All rotas now appear on to the site in the Members Only Area so you can easily keep up to date and organise swaps.
In the same area you can access the membership address book (not viewable to the public) and view the Church calendar. 

Please visit our Contact Us page to give any feedback.


Planning your Visit

Welcome from the VicarRevd. Peter Breckwoldt

Let me welcome you to St John’s! I am so delighted you have found our web site. We are a Church family in Wimborne for anyone living, working or studying around this area. Whoever you are, whatever your age, whether you’re an experienced Christian or not, we would love you to join us.

From an intrigued onlooker to the committed follower we are keen that everyone should grow in relationship with God through knowing Jesus. To help us do that our emphasis is on hearing God speak to us by his Holy Spirit through his word, the Bible. Each of us knows that we only grow in a relationship with someone and get to know them when we spend time listening to them and responding and reacting to what they say. So the focus of St John’s is on listening to God’s word, talking to him in prayer and taking up all that he says.

The Church family here at St John’s longs to help anyone who wants to investigate the life of Jesus. On this site you will find people, meetings, talks and events shaped to help you take another step forward in finding out more about God and his love for us in Jesus, and to help you get linked into the church family life.

I do hope I will have the opportunity to meet you personally in the very near future and that you will quickly feel at home at St John’s.

Revd. Peter Breckwoldt