Carlile College, Nairobi

The College is a Church Army Africa centre for training students in evangelism, pastoral care and ongoing theological education. From its beginnings in 1958 with eight students, it has to date trained over 2,000 students in its mission programmes, preparing them for work back in their home countries throughout East Africa. It is currently led by an enthusiastic team under the Revd Dr Danson Mangi, General Secretary of Church Army Africa, who we are expecting to speak at St John’s in the spring of 2025.
Carlile College has a Business School with a student population of over 1,000. However, the main focus of the College remains to train evangelists, and most of the graduates from the School of Mission are strategically placed within the structures of the Anglican Church in Africa, carrying out their outreach through open-air meetings, revival meetings, Bible study and much more besides.
Carlile College welcomes students from over 17 countries in and around East Africa, and deeply appreciates the partnership with St John’s. Our ongoing collaboration is a treasured source of support to the College as we resource two students each year from South Sudan to strengthen the Church in that country, and they long for us to continue to pray, give practical support as well as finance, to help this strategic work for God in East Africa.
Prayers for the College
Partnering with like-minded organisations and addressing the socio-economic needs especially among the urban poor.
Developing a social transformation enterprise by setting up social ventures within communities
Getting new scholarship opportunities for our students to increase enrolment.
Seeking partners in capital investment for our premises & external reach
Link person: Peter Breckwoldt 01202 886551