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Clergy and Wardens
Peter Breckwoldt (Vicar)
Nigel Day (Warden)
Stuart Hull (Warden)
Paula Jones (Deputy Warden)
Matt Lee (Associate Minister)
Paul Wareham (Deputy Warden)
The Parochial Church Council
The PCC is the governing body of a parish church. It is also a charity, as any PCC with an annual income of more than £100,000 (like St. John’s) must be registered with the Charity Commissioners. The PCC is a team made up of members of clergy and lay members of the church. Together they are responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical as well as spiritual, of their church, the church members, and the church buildings. The PCC also has a duty to promote the mission of the church within the wider community. Members of the PCC are elected each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (usually held in April - you can download our Annual Reports booklet on our resources page.). Once elected, they usually serve a minimum of three years and may stand for re-election at the end of that term. If you would like to be nominated for the PCC, please contact the Church Office.
The PCC Committee:
Standing, from left: Lisa Perry, Mike Jones, Paula Jones, Stephen Cornick, Revd Matt Lee, John Fleming, James Sharman, Keith Loveless
Seated, from left: David Bennett, Jennie Harris, Stuart Hull, Revd Peter Breckwoldt, Nigel Day, Janine Thomas, David Morgan
Absent from photo: Gillian Mannouch, Nick Elbourne, Alan Fryer, Paul Wareham
Church Staff Team
Peter Breckwoldt (Vicar)
Steve Cornick (Verger)*
Tim Glenn (Facilities Manager)*
Paula Jones (Office Manager)*
Matt Lee (Associate Minister)
Gillian Mannouch (Pastoral Care Coordinator)*
Kevin Metcalfe (Children and Young Families Coordinator)
Philip Murray (Technical Administrator)
Sue Stein (Music Coordinator)*
Julian Wortley (Verger)*
Vacancy (Office Administrator)*
Vacancy (Youth Worker)
*part-time staff