Giving at St John's
Thank you so much for your financial support. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without the generous offering of your time, talents and finance.
Regular giving from the church family is the primary way in which St John’s resources itself - we receive no government or Church of England income. Gifts from our church family are gratefully received and are vital to our church's life and work, as we continue to serve those around us, safeguard the legacy of faith, music and worship which we have inherited, and offer the opportunity for new life and full life to those in the Wimborne area.
Regular committed giving helps us to plan financially and to grow our church both now and in the future. It is a joy that our giving enables so much in the life and work of our church.
For more information, download our latest giving leaflet here or please get in touch with our Giving Coordinator, Richard Phinn:
Giving by standing order (preferred method - no fees!)
A monthly gift by standing order is the most effective way to give to the life and work of our church. This reduces administration and helps us to fund our mission, budget and use resources wisely. You can set this up or change an existing standing order through online banking or click here to download a form.
Giving online. Fill in the form below by ticking the box on how you want to give. You can choose a one off payment, monthly or both. (If you are signed in, some of your details will be pre-filled).