Global Action Partners
St John’s supports (by prayer and funding) a number of Partners working around the world to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Many of them grew up in our fellowship, and all have a particular link with our church. Brief details about them are given below, and there is more on their individual pages, accessed from names or photos below.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Both Sarah & David (sister & brother) were actively involved in St John's before they started serving with Wycliffe.
Both couples are serving Wycliffe through its local partner, SIL, in West Africa. Their ministry is in Bible translation and Bible engagement (through music, video and other media).
Christian relief and development charity Tearfund has for many years received gifts from our special offerings at Christmas. Many church members are also individual supporters. Much more detail
Laura Nelson was brought up at St John's and set up a church-planting ministry in France with her late husband, Edward. She works part-time for the Ternes church in central Paris, with a Christian publishing house and with 2 Timothee 2.2, a training ministry for evangelical church pastors. More details here
Malcolm spent his youth as a part of St John's Church. After many years of outreach in Thailand, Malcolm & Kerstin jointly lead the work of WEC UK. They head up the 100 or so WEC members in the UK who work amongst 'hard-to-reach' people groups. Much more about their ministry
Sarah was an active member at St John's as a young adult and is now serving with SIM in the very deprived Cape Flats area of South Africa. She works with women's groups in Bible study, sewing classes, art and trauma therapy. More information here.
Carlile College is doing a strategic work of ministry and theological training for many countries in East Africa. It is run by the Church Army and our vicar usually spends a week teaching a course on biblical preaching. In addition, we sponsor two students, usually from South Sudan, a country we are linked with through Salisbury diocese. More information
StreetLight is a ministry in Wimborne to children, young people and their families. It was established in 2013 by Andy Putt, who had previously been the Youth Worker at St John's. It provides skate- boarding, soft play, a cafe and so much more. Details here.
Receiving news from Partners
Our Partners send out regular news and prayer letters, and we encourage all church members to support one or more of them in prayer and, if appropriate, financially. If you would like to receive one or more prayer letters, please complete the form below.
Supporting our Partners financially
If you’d like to support our Global Action Partners financially, you can give a one-off or regular sum (e.g. monthly).
F.A.Q.s on Giving to Global Action
If I give regularly must it be by Standing Order?
No, but it does significantly reduce the workload on our Treasurer, Peter Williamson, if you do.
Can I give from my CAF or Stewardship account?
Yes, this is easily done
Can this be done as part of my regular giving to the church by Standing Order?
This is the ideal method.