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This Week

Wed 2 Apr 8:00pm
Sun 6 Apr 10:30am
Jayne Sharman is leading the service and Steven Lee is preaching
Sun 6 Apr 6:30pm
Jeremy and members of FUSE will be retelling the Easter story as a murder mystery

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Change of Global Action Treasurer
Due to illness, Peter Williamson is having to give up this role and is being replaced by Roland Green.
Easter at St John's
All are welcome to the services across the Easter period. See the invites in the foyer to hand out to family and friends.
Prayer Focus - Wednesday 2nd April
We meet for Prayer Focus in the Youth Lounge at 8 pm, on the first Wednesday of the month. We hope to see you there.
New Electoral Roll
The C of E require us to renew our Electoral Roll in 2025. Every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll is requested to apply for enrolment between 2nd and 22nd April 2025. Click article title for more details.
Grants Applications - Can you help?
Click the article title for full details: We are seeking one or more volunteers who have some knowledge or experience in bid writing, who could help us by sourcing suitable grants and completing the application forms.
Midweek Service of Holy Communion
The midweek communion generally takes place every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10.30 am. Our next service will be on Thursday 10th April.
Pastoral Care
Our pastoral care team offer company and support to anyone in the church family who needs it. Please contact Gillian Mannouch on 01202 847911 or 07794 586608 or
Barbara Rawlin
Many of you will remember Barbara from Lunch Club, Barbara passed away on the 7th March aged 110 years! A thanksgiving service will take place at St John's Church on Wednesday, 2nd April at 1pm. All welcome.
Sylvia Hoare
Sylvia Hoare a member of the church family and regular at Lunch Club, died on the 17th March. Her funeral will take place at 12 noon on Thursday 3rd April at Bournemouth Crematorium. All are welcome. Please pray for Ken her husband of 73 years.
Health, Hope and Healing Service - Sunday 30th March, 6.30pm
It is an opportunity for all of us who want to avail ourselves of prayer ministry either for ourselves or as “a proxy for someone else”. In the time of prayer we ask that the healing power of the Holy Spirit may come and bring wholeness into our lives.
Compass - Thursday 3rd April
Alaska and the National Parks of Northern USA.
Volunteer Thank you Event - Saturday 26th April
Date for your diary! Our Volunteer Thankyou event will be on Saturday 26th April, 7pm. *Please rsvp to the church office at your earliest convenience so that we can cater accordingly*.
Haircut Thank you!
Please click on the title to read the full article from Paul and Corrine.
Gardening Tools needed please
Tammy Lee is hoping to source any unwanted gardening tools you may have. She has a Spade, Fork, Sheers and Secateurs, any other items would be greatly appreciated.
Revd Brian Ruff
Some of the St John’s church family will remember Brian, former Vicar of Christ Church, Westbourne. He was involved at St John’s helping run a section of the Moore College Course in the 1990’s. Brian's Thanksgiving Service will be on Thursday 24th April.
Easter Activities at  St Michael and All Angels, Colehill - 16th April
Please click on the title to view the poster.
Chamber Concert - Thursday 8th May, 7pm
Alistair Hardie is conducting this Canford School chamber orchestra event and would like to warmly invite St John's community. This is a public event and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Planning your Visit

Welcome from the VicarRevd. Peter Breckwoldt

Let me welcome you to St John’s! I am so delighted you have found our web site. We are a Church family in Wimborne for anyone living, working or studying around this area. Whoever you are, whatever your age, whether you’re an experienced Christian or not, we would love you to join us.

From an intrigued onlooker to the committed follower we are keen that everyone should grow in relationship with God through knowing Jesus. To help us do that our emphasis is on hearing God speak to us by his Holy Spirit through his word, the Bible. Each of us knows that we only grow in a relationship with someone and get to know them when we spend time listening to them and responding and reacting to what they say. So the focus of St John’s is on listening to God’s word, talking to him in prayer and taking up all that he says.

The Church family here at St John’s longs to help anyone who wants to investigate the life of Jesus. On this site you will find people, meetings, talks and events shaped to help you take another step forward in finding out more about God and his love for us in Jesus, and to help you get linked into the church family life.

I do hope I will have the opportunity to meet you personally in the very near future and that you will quickly feel at home at St John’s.

Revd. Peter Breckwoldt