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3. The Way of the Holy Spirit - John 14:15-31

This little passage is just packed with good news. The Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are at work in and for us. They are giving us hope and being with us in whatever the circumstances we face.

As the disciples encounter utter bewilderment, Jesus gives them three main reasons to be encouraged:
First, they can expect the Holy Spirit's presence. v15-18. The Holy Spirit is given to us not because we deserve this gift, but because Jesus died and rose again. (Acts 2:23). It Is because Jesus asked his Father, that we can receive another Helper (v16). The phrase reminds us that the Spirit is like Jesus because of His power and ability to help us. But while Jesus, in human form, could not stay with his disciples, the Holy Spirit promises never to leave us (v16,18). In this sense the Holy Spirit is positively better according to Jesus (16:7).

Second, they can experience the Father’s love. All Christians have the Holy Spirit living in them. (Rom 8:9) He lives in us in a way the world cannot even begin to understand v17. But our experience and enjoyment of the Father's love and presence in our lives has a lot to do with our willingness to be obedient. This was the hallmark of Jesus and His life. The disciples saw this at first hand. (v15, 21, 23, 24). Jesus offers us breathtaking depth in terms of our fellowship with God v23. However, if we choose to go our own way, to turn away from Jesus, we lose the very treasure that we have been offered.

Third, they can enjoy the Saviour’s peace. Christ’s peace is not the absence of difficulties and problems, but the active presence of God with us. Yes, we will face troubled waters. At times it can feel almost overwhelming. However, allow Jesus’s words in v27 to sink into our hearts and into the situations that we are facing. What a great passage we have that shows the whole godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on our side. God in three persons blessed trinity. Now that is encouragement!

The Life of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit was involved in the birth of Christ. Luke 1:15, Mathew 1:18-25. The Holy Spirit was involved in the baptism of Christ. Matthew 3:16; John 1:32-34.  The Holy Spirit led Christ Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. Matthew 4:1 He was involved in the ministry of Christ. Luke 4:14-21; 10:21

His Permanence v16b - When the Spirit of God comes to the heart of the believer, He comes in to stay forever! The Spirit of God will never desert the child of God. He will help us to walk through this wicked, sinful world!

His Purpose v17, 21, 26 - The purposes of the Spirit are many:
1. To Indwell v 17 At the moment of salvation, the believer becomes the Temple of God. He takes up permanent residence. He dwells in the life of the believer!
2. To Invest v21 The Spirit fills us with power to live and serve the Lord. He is essential for the glory of God. When we partner with the Holy Spirit, just think about what can be accomplished Phil. 4:13.
3. To Teach v26 A main purpose of the Holy Spirit is to educate us in the things of God. He is a divine teacher!
4. To Inspire v26 The Holy Spirit wraps the comforting arms of God’s love and protection around us. We belong to Him. He helps us to press on to the goal of being like Christ.

As John draws chapter 14 to a close, Jesus is once more speaking to the disciples about their troubled hearts. Jesus reminds them that He is still the Prince of Peace and even though He is leaving, they will not lose His peace. Jesus tells them that their world is about to change. He reminds them that they can face it with confidence because His peace is with them. Some promises are just for the disciples, but this peace is for us as well. Our world is uncertain but God’s people possess a peace to enable us to live with confidence. The peace we have comes from heaven, therefore it cannot be overthrown by the events of this world. Let us learn to have the peace of Jesus and trust Him. Phil. 4:6-7; Isaiah. 26:3.
This chapter shows us that the Lord Jesus is the great encourager! So, if I do not understand what is happening when everything is going wrong, I can turn to the Spirit of Jesus! He has given us all that we need. We have salvation and peace in our hearts and the gift of the Holy Spirit our comforter. Remember you do not have to face life alone. The Holy Spirit of Jesus will be our helper.
Bible Study 3 Questions
The Way of the Holy Spirit - John14:15-31
Q1. What do the following verses tell us about the Holy Spirit?
Q2. “True love for God always shows itself in obedience to Him.” Look at v15, 21, 23-24 and 31 and discuss whether you agree with this statement and discuss why we often disassociate obedience and love. What does verse 15 tell us about who Jesus thinks He is? Hint: see Deuteronomy 6:4-6
Q3. Look at v25-27. What are we told that the Holy Spirit will do? Of course, Jesus is promising this to the Apostles first. Therefore, we can be assured that what they wrote is accurate and dependable. If we want to be a spirit-filled and spirit-led church, what must we focus on?
Q4. What roles and titles are given to the Holy Spirit in this passage? Which of these titles and roles do you most need to benefit from at the moment? Why?
Q5. Why is it significant that the Holy Spirit is described as 'another Counsellor'?
Q6. Why do you think this teaching about the Holy Spirit comes in the context of Jesus talking about loving him and obeying him?
Q7. What might you say to someone in the church family who is confident of their love for Christ, but whose life is not marked by obedience to Jesus’ teaching. Such as relationships with money, language, or relationship with their family, or Church family. 

Next Study: Study 4 Fruitful Living for Jesus (John 15:1-17)

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Welcome from the VicarRevd. Peter Breckwoldt

Let me welcome you to St John’s! I am so delighted you have found our web site. We are a Church family in Wimborne for anyone living, working or studying around this area. Whoever you are, whatever your age, whether you’re an experienced Christian or not, we would love you to join us.

From an intrigued onlooker to the committed follower we are keen that everyone should grow in relationship with God through knowing Jesus. To help us do that our emphasis is on hearing God speak to us by his Holy Spirit through his word, the Bible. Each of us knows that we only grow in a relationship with someone and get to know them when we spend time listening to them and responding and reacting to what they say. So the focus of St John’s is on listening to God’s word, talking to him in prayer and taking up all that he says.

The Church family here at St John’s longs to help anyone who wants to investigate the life of Jesus. On this site you will find people, meetings, talks and events shaped to help you take another step forward in finding out more about God and his love for us in Jesus, and to help you get linked into the church family life.

I do hope I will have the opportunity to meet you personally in the very near future and that you will quickly feel at home at St John’s.

Revd. Peter Breckwoldt