Creation Care
To have caring for creation in its rightful place as the Anglican Church’s 5th Mark of Mission within St John’s Church: ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’.
It’s clear from the Bible that God commands us to steward his precious creation that we’ve been given. ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it.’ Gen 2:15 (NIV)
We need to take care of it, particularly at a time of climate crisis, biodiversity loss, pollution and environmental degradation. It is a witness to the world, one way of demonstrating how the world would be with God as king.
Creation Care Group
In 2024 a new Creation Care group was established and we are hoping that many other church members will support or get involved in this vital work.
What we would like to achieve?
Eco Church: achievement of Silver Award status (currently Bronze) and progress beyond.
All congregants to have reflected on their own lifestyle and carbon footprint.
All church decisions (e.g. purchasing and practices) to be made in the light of our commitment to care for creation.
Creation care seen as integral part of the gospel, Christian discipleship and mission.
Church adopting plans to meet the objective of Net Zero Carbon by 2030 (or soon afterwards) if this is practical.
Creation Care Team: Paul Dyer, Tim Glenn, Rachel Green, Roland Green, Alastair Hardie, Joanna Hardie, David Morgan (Chair), Jean Morgan, Jane Ough, Richard Ough.
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