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Homegroup Study: John's Gospel and the Holy Spirit (John 13-16)

HGG Notes Autumn 2024

Introduction (below)
Study 1 Everyone Will Know You Are My Disciples (John 13:21-38)
Study 2 A time of Questions (John14:1-14)
Study 3 The Holy Spirit (John 14:15-31)
Study 4 Fruitful Living for Jesus (John 15:1-17)
Study 5 Witnessing and the World (John 15:18-25)
Study 6 Who is the Holy Spirit? (John 15:26 - 16:16)


This term our focus will be on the work of the Holy Spirit as revealed to us by Jesus in John’s gospel. Our Bible studies will link us to the Farewell Discourse, which is the name often given to John’s passage in 13:31 – 16:33. So this passage will be the heart of our studies this term together, and I hope we will see that it is a very important one for understanding this important topic of the work of God the Holy Spirit.
The work and person of the Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel is grounded in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts of sin, glorifies the person of Jesus and changes believers into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit convicts people of their selfishness and sin and points them towards Jesus in order that they may, with assurance, “draw near to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). This series of studies explores the person and work of the Holy Spirit, who acts sovereignly to give life and indwells and teaches God’s people in order to deepen their understanding of the work of Jesus. If you like, the Holy Spirit is the spotlight that focuses our attention on Jesus, the hero of the Bible’s story. The Holy Spirit is the one who commissions God’s people so as to send them out to speak about the glory of Jesus. John, in the pages of his gospel, has deliberately shown a view of the Holy Spirit that is relational, personal, and intimate. The Holy Spirit longs to breathe new life into those who come to Jesus. He also longs to set them apart for Jesus by his Word and by washing them with the sanctifying power of the Word of God.
In these studies, you will find small boxes unpacking a little bit more about the Holy Spirit and his Ministry among the local Church. It is exciting to see that the Holy Spirit is a promise of Jesus fulfilled to bless and strengthen the local church for both mission and ministry.

Seven Signs (Miracles) to the Public Intimate Signs to His Disciples
Water to Wine 2:1-11 The Anointing 12
Nobleman’s Son 4:46-54 The Passover 13
Powerless Man 5:1-47 The Farewell Discourse 14-16
Feeding the 5000 6:1-14 Christ's Prayer 17
Walking on Water 6:15-21 Gethsemane 18
The Blind Man 9:1-41 Jesus' Suffering the Trial & Cross 19
Raising Lazarus 11:1-57 Christ's Resurrection 20
  Christ's Appearing to the Disciples 20-21

Planning your Visit

Welcome from the VicarRevd. Peter Breckwoldt

Let me welcome you to St John’s! I am so delighted you have found our web site. We are a Church family in Wimborne for anyone living, working or studying around this area. Whoever you are, whatever your age, whether you’re an experienced Christian or not, we would love you to join us.

From an intrigued onlooker to the committed follower we are keen that everyone should grow in relationship with God through knowing Jesus. To help us do that our emphasis is on hearing God speak to us by his Holy Spirit through his word, the Bible. Each of us knows that we only grow in a relationship with someone and get to know them when we spend time listening to them and responding and reacting to what they say. So the focus of St John’s is on listening to God’s word, talking to him in prayer and taking up all that he says.

The Church family here at St John’s longs to help anyone who wants to investigate the life of Jesus. On this site you will find people, meetings, talks and events shaped to help you take another step forward in finding out more about God and his love for us in Jesus, and to help you get linked into the church family life.

I do hope I will have the opportunity to meet you personally in the very near future and that you will quickly feel at home at St John’s.

Revd. Peter Breckwoldt